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UNISON College in Cymru Wales
All UNISON Members across the UK can access exclusive courses, bursaries, financial support, special events and e-learning platforms from UNISON College.
Find out what you can do today!
Upcoming courses & events for members UK-wide
Member Learning courses for members in Wales
UNISON College Bursary and financial support
Wales Union Learning Fund
UNISON Cymru Wales has organised and run Wales Union Learning Fund (WULF) projects for over 20 years, funded by the Welsh Government and supported by the Wales TUC.
WULF provides your union with the funding to create and organise learning opportunities in partnership with UNISON Branches and employers, as well as running our all-Wales webinars, special events and face-to-face sessions.
Thousands of workers have been supported to learn new skills, develop their confidence and participate more in their workplaces and our union with the support of WULF.
WULF funded opportunities are open to all UNISON members and non-members who live and/or work in the public services in Wales, so they’re a great way to share learning with all your colleagues.
In 2024-25, our WULF funding will be prioritised on supporting workers facing redundancy.
Book WULF-funded Webinars on Eventbrite
Discover inspirational stories of WULF learning
Work with us in a WULF Partnership
Recordings of special events
Every year UNISON Cymru Wales organises special learning events around themes and issues that are impacting you in your workplace, giving you the chance to learn more about a topic and find sources of support, hope and inspiration for the future.
We record the sessions, edit them and publish them online for you to view and share with your colleagues, including:
See all of our recordings here
Signposting Service
We have collected and curated information, resources and sources of further learning and support from Wales and beyond to help you at different stages in your life and your career or to help you discover more about key issues you and your colleagues may face.
Climate, Decarbonisation, Just Transition & Green Skills
Redundancy Support Sessions in Wales
Right to Request time for training
Stars in our Schools – learning for schools staff
Violence Against Women & Girls
We also offer a one-to-one telephone and email learning advice service to UNISON members in Wales. Get in touch with us directly and we can help you find the learning that meets your needs.
Grants & Bursaries
UNISON members in Wales can access a range of grants to support their learning and development outside of the courses we offer directly.
Member Learning Grants
UNISON funds a range of grants to members across the United Kingdom who are looking to advance their skills and careers, including up to £500 towards Open University courses and £300 towards other training.
Click here to find out all the details and how to apply
Grants for Qualifications (Wales only)
Unfortunately this grant has been withdrawn for 2024-25 due to reductions in the Wales Union Learning Fund (WULF) budget available for UNISON.
Union Learning Rep (ULR) & other Activist Training
UNISON has a long tradition of members supporting their colleagues to gain the skills they need for work and life.
If you’re one of these people, we help will train and support you to become a Union Learning Rep (ULR) in your workplaces.
It’s a legally protected union role that gives you time off to train and support others with their skills need.
Find out more about becoming a ULR
Other Activist Education & Training
There are separate member learning and activist education teams in Wales.
For activist education and reps training (other than ULR training) please contact cwactivisttraining@unison.co.uk
Our Activist Education Programme for the Academic Year 2024-2025 is out now, courses are available both online and face to face across Wales and include:
- New Organising Steward
- ERA Refresher
- Health & Safety (online only)
- Employment Law (online only)
For more details download the full programme, contact your branch, and download the application form here.
Complete the WULF Learner Form
Have you attended one of our WULF funded courses and webinars or viewed one of our recorded events but not completed a WULF Learner form?
Please complete the WULF Learner Form so we can demonstrate to our Welsh Government funders that we’re using our grant to support your learning.
Click here to log your details