Staff at Bangor University were yesterday (Wednesday) informed that 200 people are to be made redundant.
Bangor university

Responding to the announcement that, under pressure from UNISON, Bangor University has dropped plans to make adverse changes to the pension scheme for support staff, Wendy Allison, UNISON Cymru Wales regional organiser, said, “UNISON is celebrating a tremendous victory. We’ve tapped into a strong sense of injustice amongst support staff who have come out in […]

Low paid support workers at Bangor University are incensed at their employer’s proposal to downgrade their pensions

Bangor university has announced it plans to cut the pensions of its clerical workers; I.T. staff; lab workers; cleaners; caterers; security staff and more. The pensions of higher paid staff, such as lecturers and executive managers, will not be affected. UNISON says by targeting non-academic staff, Bangor has shown how little it values the role […]

Responding to the news that as many as 60 jobs are threatened at Bangor university, UNISON Cymru Wales has warned the quality of education and prestige of the institution will inevitably suffer. The trade union, which represents university support staff, has singled out the threat to cut Bangor security team jobs as a terrible own […]

Trade union representatives of staff at Bangor university have welcomed the support of the First Minister in their campaign to oppose compulsory redundancies to meet a budget shortfall. Carwyn Jones AM, met with the trades unions in north Wales on Friday last week to hear their concerns about the proposed job losses at Bangor […]
Reacting to the news that 115 jobs are threatened at Bangor university, Geoff Edkins, UNISON organiser said, “Whilst UNISON is committed to working with the University and the other trade unions to ensure there is a sustainable structure fit for the future, there’s no escaping the fact that our members are alarmed at the potential […]

Reacting to the news that 170 jobs are threatened at Bangor university and staff are being asked to take a pay cut, Geoff Edkins, UNISON organiser said, “University staff are alarmed at the apparent state of Bangor University’s finances. They are angry that management of the university has put their jobs at risk and threatened […]

Members of public sector union, UNISON Cymru/Wales, have promised a loud and colourful demonstration for affordable pensions for Bangor University support staff today (Thursday 15 September). University support staff from cleaners, to security workers and administrators will gather at 12.30pm at the Memorial Arch by the campus Portio building to protest that low paid workers […]