Care workers are meeting next week in Cardiff, Swansea and online to share their experience of the covid pandemic. Come and join us
Past Campaigns
We think Wales needs further powers and we want to debate the way we are governed and the society we want to build
Our survey shows public service workers in every sector are struggling with the cost-of-living crisis. They and their families are hurting.
UNISON Cymru/Wales health workers are being consulted on their NHS Pay. This page contains full details of the offer and how to vote.
May’s local elections are a great opportunity to talk about why it’s so important to invest in public services and in public service workers
We’re asking council candidates of all parties to endorse UNISON’s priorities. Find out who has already pledged their support
NHS Wales staff need a fair pay rise “After everything we’ve given during Covid, after a decade of pay freezes or pay caps that have squeezed our family budgets. We deserve much more. Clapping is not enough,” Dawn Ward, chair of UNISON Cymru Wales’ Health Committee. NHS Pay Ballot now open! What is happening to […]
Never miss a regional appointment. Here are the UNISON Cymru Wales; national and TUC events for 2021.
Keep up to speed with the latest advice on trade union bargaining during the Covid pandemic from UNISON Centre. It now includes reference to the latest lockdowns as well as updates on Clinically Extremely Vulnerable group amongst other topics. A range of guides are available from Bargaining Support including a short guide for support for […]
The world has changed a lot in the last 6 months. People are working in ways and under conditions we never thought possible. Health and safety at work is more important than ever. UNISON Cymru Wales is at the forefront of negotiations with Welsh Government about keeping public sector workers safe. We have been part […]
UNISON continues to work hard to support school support workers as we move into the COVID-19 endemic. Wales specific updates will be placed on this page and we will also continue to provide up-to-date information on our Facebook page. The public health advice for schools has been updated. Read here for more details about how […]
UNISON urges local authorities to join the campaign for a Robin Hood Tax, which could provide much-needed funds for vital community services.
Anniversary of women’s suffrage used to survey female members’ attitudes to barriers they face in today’s workplaces
Tanya Palmer, UNISON Cymru Wales regional secretary and UNISON Cwm Taf Morgannwg health branch have signed up to this joint statement as a part of the campaign for Safe Emergency Care across Cwm Taf Morgannwg Add your voice to the campaign to retain A&E services by signing this petition